Story of our Band

From our garage to the stage

A weekly jam session that carried each of us through the Covid-19 lockdown. Two neighbors, Pat and Chris, who began meeting on Tuesday nights because the former liked the latter's set list. 'Hey, I know this bass player," Chris said to Pat one night. 'Real good dude and real talented. He would love this.' A week later, Jessen was all in. Tuesday nights in Pat's basement studio became a ritual, a priority, even therapy, throughout Covid.  The (very) few weeks we didn't play, there was a void. 'Anyone know a drummer?' It was getting serious. Pat and Chris knew Bob, also a neighbor, the drummer of longtime local alt band Muckie Mittens. Pat invited him for a session and ten minutes in, we were sold. The rest is... history to be made!

You'll love our music. And we'll pack the place.

Band Members
